The K2 Movement

So I’m not sure if any of you have heard of The Kayla Movement? If you haven’t check it out here. Just a warning – prepare to be amazed and to spend hours looking through transformation pictures.

IMG_1229_1024x1024Kayla is a personal trainer from Australia who has created both a workout and nutrition guide for girls to follow in order to get their ideal body. Now, I’m usually hesitant about these kinds of things… Many times it is just my ED driving me to find ‘the next best thing’ or the ‘quickest way to lose weight’. This program is different however. Every girl doing it, is doing it solely to chase the best and healthiest version of themselves. Girls who are recovering from anorexia and trying to gain weight, girls trying to tone up and feel stronger, and girls with the main goal of losing weight or fat. However, everyone of the girls doing this guide seems to share one common goal: HEALTH.

The entire focus of this program is balance. Good nutrition without deprivation, and exercise that fits into any schedule. image-5_1024x1024

Now ‘The Kayla Movement’ started 3 months ago, where girls around the globe started the bikini body guide on the same day, and so were able to support each other and cheer one another on. What a great thing! If you’re sad that you missed out on this… don’t worry! ‘The K2 Movement’ is starting tomorrow (April 6th)!  The support on social media sites such as instagram is incredible for this program.

So I guess the point of this post was to let you know I plan on joining in on the K2 Movement starting tomorrow, also attempting to follow the HELP (healthy eating) plan. However, I will NOT deprive myself in any way. I know in ED recovery, intuitive eating and listening to your body is SO important!


I’m taking my ‘Before’ pictures tonight (how terrifying), and plan to take one every Sunday night for the course of the 3 months. On my blog I will keep up to date what I’m doing for exercise weekly, and any results I’m seeing.

For those interested in joining in on the movement I highly recommend you make a fitness account on instagram and immerse yourself in the bbg community. It’s pretty incredible to feel a part of, not going to lie. Don’t hesitate to look me up @livlaughlunge and add me, I’ll do all I can to support you in your journey!

So who’s doing the #thek2movement with me?! Good luck ladies!

xx Liv

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

– Jim Rohn

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